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What’s the ultimate skin-care secret?

The right cleaning regimen.

That’s because, air pollutants, makeup residue, and oil produced by your own skin glands can settle into pores and make your skin look heavy, greasy, and tired.

Clean skin radiates health, youth, and freshness, and helps you get the most out of your makeup routine. So grab your favorite cleanser, and put your best face forward.

Take It All Off

No matter how badly you want to just flop into bed and forget the world at the end of the day, take the time to remove every last bit of your makeup first.

Leaving makeup on all night can cause allergic reactions, dirt and oil buildup, breakouts and irritation, and can make it harder to get your skin completely clean.

Be Gentle

Clean doesn’t mean “squeaky-clean.” Scrubbing your face too hard or using cleansers that are too harsh can leave your skin irritated and dry.

If you’re prone to acne, excess dryness can trigger more breakouts. If you’ve got dry skin, it can lead to flaking and premature aging.

Use a gentle cleanser that’s made for your skin type, and pat your face dry rather than rubbing it.

Choose the Right Cleanser

Water only gets rid of 65 percent of the dirt and oil on your skin, which is why it’s important to use a good cleanser. Choose one with a low pH balance. Cleansers with a pH higher than 6 can dry and irritate the skin, particularly sensitive skin.

Also, choose an appropriate cleanser for your skin type. You can use a basic cleanser made for either oily, normal or dry skin, or you can use a cleanser with “actives,” meaning ingredients designed to treat your specific skin condition.

For example, if your skin is prone to breakouts, you can use an oil-free cleanser with an antibacterial agent to help fight acne. If your skin is dry, you can use a cleanser with added moisturizers.

Whatever one you go with, make sure you rinse it off thoroughly.

Use a Good Toner

In your cleansing routine, toner is the step between scrubbing and moisturizing. Toners restore skin pH, remove any leftover makeup or cleanser residue, refresh skin and shrink pores.

Finding the right toner for your skin type can take some trial and error. If your toner makes your skin sting, turn red, or feel too tight or too dry, it’s probably not the one for you.

After you apply your toner, allow your face to air dry.

Don’t apply toner more than once a day. If your skin is very dry, apply it every other day. Use a moisturizer after you apply toner to prevent your skin from overdrying — but make sure it’s a moisturizer that works with your skin type.